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gen. robert e. leroy.

Gen. Robert E. Leroy is a phantom, an apparition, an entity whose influence remains unknown, even to himself. He is everywhere and nowhere, a walking contradiction in a state of perpetual conflict. Is that enough mysterious b.s. for you? Good, because he was running out of things to say.

Random self-serving crap aside, he's a relatively ordinary guy with a lot of random observations to make, probably not unlike yourself. You've got a lot to share too? Fine. Save it for the comments section. Or maybe even start your own damn blog. But only after you've bookmarked this one and pledged to read every new post faithfully.

Moving on, Gen. Leroy is a wealth of normally useless knowledge, and is constantly trying to find a way to benefit from that (unsuccessful so far). He's a realist, and normally has no problem crushing your "dreams" with a nice, heavy dose of truth, particularly if you're not really doing anything to bring them to fruition.

Being relatively well-educated, Gen. Leroy understands the importance of book learnin', but knows that even the greatest of educations can be wasted if not combined with a considerable amount of common sense. To that end, he's doing the best he can to combat what he calls the "moron epidemic", and wholeheartedly encourages you to do the same...

If you're so inclined, you can get in touch with him at

Now quit reading this aimless biographical drivel and do something relevant!!!